Home Featured 5 Reasons Why Every Small Business Should File Income Tax Return

5 Reasons Why Every Small Business Should File Income Tax Return

by Donna Corn
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An income tax return or ITR is a government-issued form where you can declare your business expenses, income, deductions, taxes paid, exemptions, etc. Although filing an ITR may seem overwhelming and time-consuming, you must file an ITR to reduce your taxable income. If you’re a business owner confused about why you must file an income tax return or during business tax preparation in Westchester, NY, we have you covered. This article highlights the top reasons why every business should file an ITR. 

Reasons To File Income Tax Return 

Here are top reasons to file an income tax return:

1. Filing tax returns is your responsibility 

If you earn more than 2,50,000, you must file income tax returns as per the government within the predefined due date. Thus, you are responsible for filing tax returns and reducing your taxable income by a considerable percentage. 

2. Recover any overpaid tax 

Taxation is a complicated process; thus, you may make mistakes, resulting in overpaying taxes. Additionally, most business owners are not aware of tax deductibles, resulting in low profits. When you file an income tax return, you can recover your income and increase it. 

3. Confirm your eligibility for certain benefits 

The CRA depends on important information from your business tax returns to confirm eligibility for certain specific benefits. If you get an old-age monthly pension, the tax returns must be filed to confirm your eligibility. 

4. In certain cases, filing returns is necessary 

No matter if your income does not match the minimum income bar, filing an income tax return is always beneficial. In certain states, the last year’s income from tax returns is represented as proof during the registration of immovable income. Thus, filing ITR makes recording transactions easier. 

5. Peace of mind 

Managing your business finances is one of the most crucial factors to generate higher profits for your business. In case of a sudden emergency, taxation would be the last thing you must be worried about. 

Wrapping Up 

Establishing your business and generating income is a hefty task. Taxation is another complicated task that every business goes through. Most business owners avoid filing income tax returns; however, they are essential to increase profits. This article highlights the top 5 reasons every small business owner must file income tax returns. 

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